Drive equality of opportunity, experience and pay in your workforce

The pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has become front and center for organizations worldwide. From the COVID-19 pandemic’s negative impacts to the global outcry against racial injustice, now more than ever, organizations must achieve long-term, sustainable change.


Real change requires real action:

  • Applying data-driven insights
  • Developing clear, visible goals
  • Ensuring leadership commitment and accountability

There has long been a significant and discouraging “say/do” gap between the values companies express publicly and their impact on behavior and equality. According to Mercer’s 2020 report, Let’s Get Real About Equality, 81% of organizations globally say they are focused on improving diversity, equity and inclusion. Yet only 42% report having a documented multiyear strategy, and just 50% set formal quantitative DEI goals and targets.


So how do organizations drive progress towards diversity, equity and inclusion?


Only 30% of organizations are using technology to systematically address DEI challenges.

Defining diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

Diversity - Evolving representation


How well does our workforce represent the communities we represent and serve? What is our five- to 10-year trajectory for increasing the presence of underrepresented groups? 

Equity - Designing to ensure access


How well do we ensure that our employees receive equitable rewards for their work and access to progression opportunities?

INclusion - Fostering belonging


How well do our culture, environment and experience instill a sense of belonging, authenticity and trust? 


Three ways to start building an evidence-based DEI strategy 

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